
Your Business is Hemorrhaging and You Don’t Even Know It

There’s an interesting read in this month’s Harvard Business Review (HBR): The Hidden Cost of Inconsistent Decision Making. The article explores the implications of variation in employee judgment and specifically, how to solve for that variation. In essence, the article was about Mura – the Japanese term meaning waste of unevenness / variation.


Like many of my clients, the organization featured in the article hadn’t previously considered the impact inconsistency […]

You Can’t Incentive Your Way Out Of Performance Pain

I get the idea behind incentive plans –reward employees for extra effort related to achieving some sort of organizational goal. Typically one that has been hard to come by.


Sometimes they work.


When expectations are VERY clear.
When the goal isn’t too complex.
When employees have enough autonomy to affect ANY issues in their path that impede performance.



Most of the time they don’t.


First, because the issues incentive programs are intended to fix, aren’t […]

Maximizing Business Performance

Last night I spoke at the Armenian Business Networking summer event on Maximizing Workplace Performance, how behavior, not just product or process is the predictor of business success. Whether you are a large business or startup the fundamentals of how to engage people are the same.

To download a copy of the presentation click here