The pandemic has completely upended the way we do business. Competing in this new environment requires better insight on changing customer needs, a tenacious dedication to delivering value, disciplined operations, and above all, organizational agility. Macresco is helping companies adjust to the reality of COVID through intervention across three central areas of the business: strategy, operations, and organization.

STRATEGY: Rethink how best to compete

How do your value proposition and capabilities stand up to current customer expectations and the competition?  Our Finding True North program guides business leaders through the process of understanding and addressing the strengths and weaknesses of their organization’s  business model, market position, and operation by:

  • Assessing company direction
  • Reviewing the current feasibility of performance goals
  • Evaluating the strength of the current business model and value proposition
  • Determining how to best compete in the context of market realities
  • Creating a strategic plan based on specific, measurable, actionable, and relevant goals

OPERATIONS: Root out the barriers to competitive advantage

Improving performance requires that organizations first explore the factors that impede success and the context in which challenges arise. Equally important is understanding the implications of these issues on the employee and customer experience.


Meaningful improvement starts with an unflinching and unbiased view of the current state. Our systematic approach to identifying and vetting operational issues identifies and addresses the multiple origins of both COVID driven and existing performance pain:

  • Behavioral / Cultural
  • Structural / Governance
  • Communication
  • Procedural
  • Technical
  • Capability

This holistic and organizationally specific approach to intervention engages multiple stakeholders, is Lean centric, behavior focused, and culturally sensitive. It’s also VIRTUAL.

Investigating operational pain from the inside quickly reveals the areas of the business that require intervention and so we recommend the discovery process start with a Virtual VSM. A suite of virtual JIT tools are also available to support implementation as necessary.

ORGANIZATION: More nimbly and effectively respond to uncertainty

Delivering against new demands on your business requires new ways of working. It also requires new ways of thinking – especially about how to frame performance issues, investigate their origins, and solve for shortcomings in execution.

The true origins of performance painConflict is the Root of All WasteLeadership Development
More on Macresco Organization  ServicesRespect for PeopleGoing to Gemba